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Online Seminar: "Lines of Christian Epi...

From 26 - 28 February 2021, an online seminar "Lines of Christian Epigraphy" will be taught by Domenico Benoci.

There will be three sessions of two hours each.

Session 1 (February 26) will cover the epigraphy of early Christians, common elements such as spelling, abbreviations, monograms, language, numerals, and onomastics.

Session 2 (February 27) will cover the use of calendars, epigraphy on gravestones and monuments.

Session 3 (February 28) will cover methods of transcription, online tools for epigraphic research.

Students will need an understanding of Latin and ancient Greek.

Cost : 30 €

More information: https://bit.ly/3rlGdMB