# | BookID | Rating | Author | Title | Publication Data | Review |
241 | B20feb5e565a8 | NR | | Brown, George Hardin, 1931- | Companion to Bede / George Hardin Brown. | |
242 | Bd8c07970e1a5 | NR | | Gunn, Vicky. | Bede's Historiae : genre, rhetoric, and the construction of Anglo-Saxon church history / Vicky Gunn. | |
243 | Bf0b7f01c8f9f | NR | | Thacker, Alan. | Bede and Augustine of Hippo : history and figure in sacred text / by Alan Thacker. | |
244 | B9a1f03a0bfe5 | NR | | Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735. | Ecclesiastical history of the English people ; the Greater Chronicle ; Bede's letter to Egbert / Bede ; [translated by Bertram Colgrave] ; edited with an introduction and notes by Judith McClure and Roger Collins. | |
245 | Bdf658c47138e | NR | | Harvey, P. D. A. | Maps in the age of Bede / by P. D. A. Harvey. | |
246 | B99a3898b7556 | NR | | Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735. | Storia degli inglesi = Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum / Beda. | |
247 | B8c3ce8abe8a2 | NR | | Clark, Stephanie, 1975- | Compelling God : theories of prayer in Anglo-Saxon England / Stephanie Clark. | |
248 | B7a28d403ba4f | NR | | Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735, | Komentarz do Dziejo?w Apostolskich = Super Acta Apostolorum expositio / Beda Czcigodny ; wprowadzenie, przek?ad i redakcja ks. Dariusz Sztuk SDB, WT UKSW. | |
249 | Bcbd905a1aba9 | NR | | Pseudo-Bede, | De mundi caelestis terrestrique constitutione liber = La cre?ation du monde ce?leste et terrestre / Pseudo-Be?de ; traduction et e?dition critique par Myle?ne Pradel-Baquerre, Ce?cile Biasi et Amand Ge?vaudan ; sous la direction de Be?atrice Bakho | |
250 | Bba9c526709b9 | NR | | Wallis, Faith, | Bede and wisdom / by Faith Wallis, PhD. FSA. | |
251 | Bd85fd12d1b7a | NR | | Blair, John, 1955- | Bede and the culture of the laity / by John Blair. | |
252 | B1297e96e00dd | NR | | Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735 | Homili?as sobre los Evangelios / Beda ; introduccio?n, traduccio?n y notas de Agusti?n Lo?pez Kindler. | |
253 | B29f324892720 | NR | | Schustereder, Stefan J., | Strategies of identity construction the writings of Gildas, Aneirin and Bede / Stefan J. Schustereder. | |
254 | Bf938bfe1cde3 | NR | | Leyser, Henrietta, | Beda : a journey through the Seven Kingdoms in the age of Bede / Henrietta Leyser. | |
255 | Bf88ceb758c3b | NR | | Gem, Richard, | Bede and architectural history / by Richard Gem. | |
256 | B9547317949a6 | NR | | Abrams, Lesley, 1952- | Bede, Gregory, and strategies of conversion in Anglo-Saxon England and the Spanish New World / by Lesley Abrams. | |
257 | B0d99c096da8b | NR | | Higham, N. J., | (Re-)reading Bede : the Ecclesiastical history in context / N.J. Higham. | |
258 | B7a737a9deb86 | NR | | Klaeber, Fr. (Friedrich), 1863-1954, | Commentary on the Old English version of Bede's Ecclesiastical history / by Frederick Klaeber ; translated and edited by Valentine A. Pakis ; introduction by Sharon M. Rowley. | |
259 | B8afaa663075a | NR | | O'Brien, Conor, 1987- | Bede's temple : an image and its interpretation / Conor O'Brien. | |
260 | B8ba2f7344241 | NR | | Bede and the future / edited by Peter Darby and Faith Wallis. | Farnham Surrey, England ; Burlington : Ashgate, [2014] | |